Sophia is born, 18-Feb-2006, 4:30 CET

Seven weeks, her first smiles.

11 weeks

Some more Toddler stories:

Au secours (Help!) (Feb-2004)

After the bath, Stéphanie was drying Jeremy's hair with a hair drier. He didn^t like it and shouted: "Au secours!" (Help!)

"On a fait la beauté" (Feb-2004)

After the bath, the grand mother was putting some cream on Jeremy. When it was done, he said "On a fait la beauté." (we made the beauty) Where that came from, we still don't know...

"Déjà tout beau Michael" (Feb-2004)

Michael was starring at her grand ma putting on some lip protection (Dermophile Indien). Noticing that, she asked him whether he wanted some too. He responded: "non bas besoin, déjà tout beau Michael" (No, no need, already pretty Michael)

Our boys keep growing :-)

Here are a few of our own Toddler stories:

Bizarre les cheveux (Nov-2003)

One fine morning, just after waking up, Stephanie goes in the babies room and changes them. On the changing table, Jeremy looks at the face of his mother. He says: "Bizarre les cheveux!" (Bizarre hair.) Of course she had not had time to get her usual fine hair cut :D

Cochon d'Inde (Dec-2003)

One week-end we went out to buy the Christmas tree. In the gardening shop, there were lot of animals too, so we spent a lot of time looking at the rabbits, the mouses, the gerbils, the rats, the Guinee pigs (cochons d'Inde), etc.

The evening at dinner, Jeremy was making a lot of mess (again). I told him "Jeremy, arrete de manger comme un cochon" (Jeremy, stop eating like a pig!) He asked "un cochon d'Inde?" (a Guinee pig.)

La Rumba (Dec-2003)

We were having dinner, but J&M were not eating properly, making their usual mess. While picking some food from the closet I said "C'est fini la Rumba!" (="Stop the Rumba" ). Jeremy did not agree and started to begging "Je veux de la Rumba" (I want some Rumba) thinking it was some kind of food we did not want to give him - but actually, the Rumba is some kind of dance. Then Michael joined him, and we had two toddlers crying to have some Rumba.

As they would not stop winning and asking, we had to give them some piece of cheese, telling them that it was this delicious Rumba thez wanted so much. They found that Rumba delicious :D

Bravo Ulysse! (Dec-2003)

That day the boys were staying by their grand-parents in Coppet. Michael noticed that the house cat, Ulysse was going into his personnal area for a pee or a poo. After a few seconds, the cat stood back up, hid the stuff with a few foreleg strucks, and Michael shouted "Bravo Ulysse!" (Congratulations Ulysse!) - no need to tell that the boys are learning to go to the pot these days ;-)

First smiles in 2002... They sleep through the night for the first time at 2 months and 22 days!

2 months and 10 days

2 months and 10 days

Jérémy after diner

Michael bathing

2 months and 26 days


Stéphanie, Jérémy, Michael

Stéphanie and Michael

Michael, Jérémy
3 months and 20 days

Jérémy, 6 mois
je m'en met partout...

Michael, 6 mois
domine le monde sur son papa

Mai, visite des grands parents Singy.

Juin, visite de la grand-maman Canetta.
à 7 mois

Petit coquin - 7 months.

les premiers jeux assis - 7 months
At the pool - 8 months
Packing for the return to Switzerland !!!
October - Helping out finishing our new house in France
December - we're almost walking now!
Firmenich Christmas!

Our parents came to visit us in January/February and March:


Daniel, Cécile and Stéphanie in February in New-York

Stéphanie, Xavier, Michelle, Gérard on the New-Jersey shore, March

some gardening with dad. We will have nice rhododendrons now!

24th of April, Stéphanie makes some test... and the result is positive... We're expecting a baby for the 20th of December 2001. But there is more...

25th of July, the day before our 4th marriage anniversary, on a regular control by the doctor at 18 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor hears a second heart. A sonogram confirms the news... it's twins! They're in good shape, non-identical/fatherly/faux twins, weighting about 11 ounces (308 g) each at 19 weeks. We know that they are of the same sex, but we do not want to know if they are boys or girls...

Stéphanie, 19 weeks of pregnancy... "Oh la la... deux à la fois"

Twin A
19 weeks and 3 days

Twin B
19 weeks and 3 days

At 23 weeks, the twins are both doing fine. They each weight 1 pound 6 ounces (618g), which means they doubled weight in four weeks! They are still the same weight as regular babies...

Twin B
23 weeks and 3 days

Stéphanie, 27 weeks of pregnancy... Xavier: "Quel beau cadeau surprise..."

27 weeks: both babies are growing fast! Twin A weights 2 pounds 7 ounces (about 1070 g), and twin B, 2 pounds 6 ounces. Just a little bit more than regular singletons... which is rather good sign for their health.

31 weeks: the babies are now 3 pounds 10 and 3 pounds 11 (about 1750 g).

Stéphanie, 31 weeks of pregnancy.

Stéphanie, 31 weeks of pregnancy... Xavier: "Ils dansent la lambada là- dedans!"

A few days later, Stéphanie starts having too many contractions. We have to go to the hospital, were it gets stabilized with a plain perfusion. Stéphanie also gets the classical 2 shots of steroids that help the babies lungs mature quicker if ever they decide to come. Also, she starts dilating (.5 cm...) This is too soon. The babies must stay at least until 34 weeks. So Stephanie starts being on bed rest, at home. A few days later, she must take some breathine pills, to stop some new contractions. Then, the contractions definitely space out. Maybe the key is also ... drinking at least 3 liters of water per day!

At 35 weeks, the babies seem confortable in their mom's womb. Stéphanie dilated some more... the babies can come any day now - at least that's what we hope! Stéphanie can stop being on bed rest, and we get to the movie theater, to see Harry Potter.

35 weeks of pregnancy, we are ready to welcome our babies

... and bring them back home

20 Novembre, naissance de Jérémy et Michael

Jérémy, le jour de sa naissance

Le premier réveil est dur pour Michael

Jérémy se bronze, 2 jours

Bonding avec Michael

Jérémy et Stéphanie à 4 jours

l'identification à l'hopital

le deuxième bain a l'éponge de Jérémy (8 jours)

à la maison tous les deux, à 6 jours


nez à nez, 7 jours

Jérémy sur le bras de papa, 10 jours

nous on aime les nounours

que nous sommes bien dans notre berceau
(11 jours)

... et Michael dans les bras de maman, 11 jours

croissance rapide pour le petit Jérémy, 18 jours

... et Michael aussi se remplume, 17 jours

même sacrément! 23 jours désolé les petits, la photo n'est pas flatteuse!

Le deuxième vrai bain de Michael (23j)

qu'elle est belle ma maman!

tous les quatres...

29 jours

29 jours


The 15th of July, we organized a big party for my 30th Birthday, and for my father in law Daniel who'll be 60, and Stéphanie's aunt Andrée who was born the 15th like me.

everyone got its favorite cake

real chocolate for the chocolate fan


Katia and Brigitte

Laurine and Leandra

Boo-fonk and some members of the defunct Brenn d'Avis, for our last concert

We also did some kind of big move... from Switzelrand to the US, in Franklin Park, NJ in September 2000:

here's our new house, when we choose it in July

our new kitchen

my dad and Stéphanie in our future bedroom. Still missing a few things though...

29th of January, a big snow storm!

26th of July 1997, Stéphanie and I get married at the Eglise de Saint Robert, Coppet.

5th of March 1995, Stéphanie and I get fianced.

1st of January 1994, first kiss to Stéphanie.

October 1993, I meet Stéphanie Canetta for the first time, at the 24h du Rock Festival.